SERIALLILITH was founded by the director, author and actress Jeanne Dandoy, to accompany and promote mainly her artistic work, but also that of her close collaborators.
Through the contemporary adaptation of repertoire texts or the creation of original ones, SERIALLILITH, seeks to explore what makes the world tremble. New ways to tell today, questioning yesterday or the possible tomorrow, starting from the intimate to touch the ultimate.
SERIALLILITH conceives creation as a dialogue with the present, the world, the people who inhabit it and could change it, through a singular aesthetic gesture.
Her theatrical grammar explores a relationship with reality devoid of realism, borrowing from the cinema an affection for the “hors champs” and the gender codes. The psychological thriller is transformed, for example, into an oneiric thriller …
SERIALLILITH is active in contemporary scenic and cinematographic creation in Belgium and abroad, in cultural mediation, research and development of new artistic forms.
If the forms chosen to tell her stories vary, it is because each story deserves its own system.
Little story
Lilith, in the biblical legend, would be equal to man, not created from his rib, but from clay, just like Adam. Linked to the mother goddess, she is an icon of feminine power and independence. Insubordinate to her husband, sexually liberated, she is also the holder of knowledge and endowed with great intelligence …